Lost- Elemental Roleplay
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So when I used to roleplay, it was mainly wolves or people... this roleplay will be people. Um, I also used to roleplay mainly in chatzys, so this is new. ______________________________________ Things seem different now. I was alone. I was confused, yet I felt good about myself. I was the person who was crowded by people who never really knew me. I was the person they thought was great, but they never really knew the real me. Once they found out what I really was? What I was capable of... it all changed then. You see, mortals look down on beings like me. What am I, you ask? I am an elemental being. I have the affinity for an element. I can use fire to my will, not fully of course. I am still learning about what I am. How to cope with it. How to live with it. Yet, I am content. I am no longer surrounded by people who liked me for what they believed I was. I am thrilled that I don't have that to deal with any longer. My name is Maylah by the way, and at seveteen years of age... I am completely lost in the world. Sure, I have read about what I have become. I don't have a clue on how to contact the others. You see, the mortal beings, a.k.a humans, are too stuck up in their ways to want to acknowledge what I am. They tried to demolish most of us, or at least that is what I was taught in school. That's how it goes though right? You never hear the whole story, never the whole truth. The school... the government makes the elemental beings out to be something awful. But, I'm not. As far as I am aware, I am just a being who just has an ability to make a campfire with much trouble. Where does this leave me? Stuck in the homeless cities of Chicago. Lovely, right? Not a fat chance. That is one part I wish I could change. I wish I had a real home. I wish my parents didn't turn their backs on me out of fear. But, I don't wish I was the old me. Or at least... not yet. So this brings me to now. I am around a fire in a barrel. No, I didn't start it sadly. I am trying to lay low for now. The brisk air whipped at my cheeks, biting them feircely. The other homeless people were huddled around other barrels like mine, but I stood alone. Even without me revealing what I was... I think they knew. They looked at my different. ______________________________________ Okay so this is an elemental roleplay. Fire, Air, earth, and water. :)

01-24-2011 at 5:09 PM
"What brings you to this magnificent place?"Maylah asked before I could give my name.I frowned but quickly replaced it with a small smile.Magnificent?What was more amazing than living in a cardboard box not knowing when your next meals gonna be.<br />"Kicked out from home about a year ago.Been running from police for awhile and so I found my way here.I used to live Kentucky so this is a bit different."I said solemnly I didn't exactly like to talk about my past but I knew the past was gone and I couldn't change the fact that I was kicked out just for some freak accident with a force I couldn't control.<br />"Name's Claire.I raided some food from a store would you like something more to eat?"I asked.
edit history
2011-01-24 10:03:18 by #5511

01-23-2011 at 3:49 PM
My hazel eyes shot up at the arrival. She held out a Snickers bar for me. I studied it then peered up at her. After a few moments of consideration, I took it. <br />"Thanks." I muttered. Odd, no one here was ever nice. Ever. <br />It had been a moment or two before I remembered that I was, in fact, taught how to be polite and introduce myself. "I am Maylah by the way." The brisk wind whipped at my dusty blond curls as I spoke. This weather drove me insane. Nothing like the wind in the Windy City, right? "What brings you to this magnificent place?" Sarcasm was having on magnificent as I glanced around. Nothing like cardboard boxes for shelter and barrels for fireplaces. Awesome. I peeled back the wrapper and took a bit of the candy bar. It was pure joy. I hadn't eaten in a few days, so this was amazing.

01-23-2011 at 3:08 AM
(didn't see a form to fill out so I just kinda started writing)<br />I was running again.Always with the stinking running away.The police was on my heals in their police cars their blazing lights casting shadows everywhere.The alleyway was small and there were barrels filled with rainwater everywhere.I concentrated and made water spill onto the floor then it turned to rock hard ice I'd never been able to do that!The car skidded and eventually stopped before it crashed.I ran off smiling at my victorious feat.Okay so I can control water was that bad?Well to the world it apparently was.I was kicked out by my own parents the night I turned 16 and now I was living on the streets.I looked at my hand and clutched the plastic bag full of food in it and yes I did steal it I need to survive one way!I continued running till I reached a part where the homeless ruled.Barrels of tiny fires were casting warmth and light around my surroundings.I saw kids my age and grown men and women here occasionally I never stay here very long.<br />I wandered to the far corners of the place by an unlit barrel it was cold but I could stand not lighting it.I instead opened my bag of food and looked in.My raid landed me with oranges,apples,chocolate bars,and protein bars yummy.I took out a Snickers bar and ate it slowly enjoying the feeling of finally having food in my stomach.My tangled blonde hair was dirty and in my face as usual and my green eyes could see everything around me.These people were homeless like me went I was different for that.I saw a girl about a year older than I was sitting near a barrel not far from me.She looked cold and she was possibly hungry.I got up and took another Snickers bar from my stolen goods.I walked over to her and held the bar out waiting for her to take it.


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